by David Mostardi, Club Historian
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago
May 1923
Directors Meeting: Moved and seconded that the Club rent a safety deposit box at the
First National Bank, formerly the Berkeley Commercial and Savings Bank, and that the
Club’s valuable papers be deposited there.
Social Evening: The last meeting of the year took the form of a reception to the incoming
officers. Much interest has been aroused in the selection for president, and applause
greeted the happy announcement that the Hillside Club was receiving the first woman
president in the life of the Club. Mrs. William A. Hale graciously received the honor, and
in a few words of response made everyone feel her warmth of interest in and regard for
the Hillside Club.
May 1948
Message from the President: Newell Nelson will tell the members of the complete
overhaul of the electrical system at the Club, which should put us in the good graces of
the City authorities. After the very clear remarks by Carl Fox at the last Fireside meeting,
telling us where and how to go in case of an emergency, and with new electrical “Exit”
signs, I believe it will be safe to have a small fire. I hope everyone will be present to
witness this fire.
Spring Reception: Formal. The new Board Members and Officers for the 1948-49 Club
year will be presented, and the new Club members will “pass in review.” Our Hillside
Chorus under the direction of Mrs. Bernice Hendrickson will present some excellent
musical numbers for our enjoyment.
May 1973
Aloha Night: This festive program, having an Hawaiian theme, is planned for your
enjoyment with entertainment by our own members. It will include a humorous skit by
new members assisted by some not so new; and the history of the current club year will
be presented by our historians. As a special feature, the Tomlinsons will share with us
their program of Hawaii. So, if you are yearning to wear your Hawaiian outfit, this Aloha
Party is the time!
May 1998
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you
know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the
early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!