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Hillside Club Fall Dinner - Monday Sept 17th  9 -11 am

Volunteering Members/Committee Sign-up Page



Dear Members,

Volunteers really are the backbone of an organization such as ours.

We are fortunate to have lovely events for our members. Spending time together, enjoying local talent and sharing a wonderful meal.

We have been able to keep our prices very low. 
Think about the cost of eating out. A few glasses of wine, dinner, dessert, transportation or parking.

This is a terrific night out with friends for an affordable price.


In order to stay on budget we depend on your help.


Below is a list of the tasks needed. Scroll down or click here.


Please send an email with your name and phone number and the task that you can full-fill.


This dinner will be a Spanish theme, catered by the very popular and exquisite restaurant, so popular that making a reservation is sometimes difficult,  so let's all pitch in and make this happen! 

Get ready for: "La Marcha"


Thank you very much, we look forward to a wonderful event.


la marcha restaurant at HSC

la marcha restaurant at HSC

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

la marcha restaurant

List of Volunteer  Tasks


Click on a task and it will put you in touch with our manager. 

The task selected will be in the subject line. Easy!

Just include your name and phone number and we will do the rest.

You an also email your choice to:

We will send you a confirmation, if the task has been filled

we will ask if there is anything else you would be willing to do. 

Thank you.






Other decorations


Greeters (Arrive between 6 - 6:10 pm) >>> We need 4 so don't hesitate to sign up!


Master(s) of Coffee & Tea (Arrive 6 -  6:15 pm)


Chief of Ice-Water Pitchers (Arrive 6 - 6:15 pm)


Sommeliers-en-Chef -- Buy and serve wine


Serve wine (Arrive by 6:15 pm)  >>> We need 5 so don't hesitate to sign up!


Bring Spanish or other tasty appetizer (Arrive by 6:15 pm) >>> We need at least 8 so don't hesitate to sign up!


Dessert (some gluten-free addl dessert) >>> The more the merrier so sign up!


Dessert platers/runners (need ca. 5-6 total)


Help with setup (Monday Sept 17th  9 -11 am) >>> We need at least 6 volunteers.


Help with breakdown (immed. after dinner) >>> We need at least 6 volunteers.


Wash/fold ½ of tablecloths (return by Friday Sept. 21) >>> We need 3 volunteers.


Sign up
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