A montage of choirs at the end of the live-streamed service
from Grace Cathedral. The music of other choirs (all beautiful) starts at about 1:31:15 and our piece,
"If Ye Love Me" by Thomas Tallis, begins at about 1:49:15.
~Jan R.
A beautiful performance. Thank you,

What I imagine goes on behind the scenes,
This exhibition in Paris is coming to Toronto this fall. It will take place in the Art Gallery of Ontario’s basement/garage storage rooms,
and it will be a reserved date and time drive-by, with only a few cars let in at a time. Our new normal!
Abandoning the flat canvas of buildings, some street artists take to the stairs, transforming them into magnificent works of urban art.
It doesn't matter whether its with paint, plants, mosaics or wallpapers the end goal is beauty, shared and enjoyed by all.
This phenomenon is not a localized one and is happening all around the world. These are 20 of the world's most stunning stairs.
Click on the image above to read Carol Bier's blog.
An excellent example of how one thing leads to another, i.e a topic or a book on a specific topic leads one to explore the diverse 'branches' that sprout from that trunk, e.g more travel, ancient maps, history, art, regional cookbooks, poetry (I hope to explore the poetry of the Tang dynasty this summer, perhaps).
A past performance at the Hillside Club by Kami Liddle's Dance
She offers classes and workshops. Explore online options at:
Click on the image to watch the HSC performance.
For lovers of opera/ballet/music festivals like the prestigious Verbier festival - a wonderful website that I subscribe to. Click on image for mor info.
A sweet & upbeat new song (Zoom performance) by Voices, the a capella group who sang at our HSC Fall Dinner 2019.
Congratulations to our very own Katharine Mieszkowski!
Katharine and her team at Reveal are Pulitzer finalists (!) for their reporting on worker injuries and the human toll of robotics technology at Amazon warehouses:
Or click on the image.
Araceli K.
Free library books to check out!
An anonymous individual, concerned with the health of the lively arts in the Bay Area, has come forward to help us by offering us a matching gift which will 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐅 $𝟐𝟓,𝟎𝟎𝟎. Additionally, donations of $500 or more will be triple matched--$500 becomes $1500!
ENJOY TWO MINI CONCERTS, Click on the images.
Our club member Far I Shields will be featured on 5/3/20 on
The Shift Network. Click on the image, his story is three quarters down the page.
Click on the image or link above.
Click on the image for a very easy to make face shield.

Somehow, I always think of the poem ....~Wayne
I have just watched one of many Cal Conversations with selected professors addressing a special theme. Today is was role of the arts in addressing crisis. I was especially interested in the art history professor’s choice of historical works and her discussion of them. Another music historian spoke about Beethoven living through Napoleon era and his musical response. Barbara R
Click on the image to read
the journal.
Click on the image to get a list of 51 Shelter in Place Activities,
Virtual Muesum Tours, Gardens, Free Movie Streaming and more.
Anne K.
Click image to play video.
Sundays in the Garden. Part of: Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour www.BringingBacktheNatives.net
Virtual tours, information and education for native plants and gardens.
I am so proud to share this video my son in law, music teacher at Chabot elementary school, Oakland, put together.. a project he's been working on with the kids at Chabot when the schools closed. He managed to finish the video "Focused and Fearless' while sheltering in place.. a beautiful gift to the kids from the school while they are at home , as well as to all of us! Be sure and read how it all came together.
Quite amazing, really... Mari The Making Of Focused And Fearless
Kairos Choir was scheduled to perform at HSC when COVID hit. Listen to their beautiful performance by clicking on the image.
Click on the image for information on
how to volunteer or receive help.

A view from my neighborhood walk.
Mona R.
MetOpera.org has announced its streams only up to next Sunday, Der Rosenkavalier. Here is an overly long email that I sent to neighbors on Euclid Street and Rock Lane (on the hillside). Use, or not, as you wish! Thank you for hosting the Monday Hillside Club meeting.
Cheers in a time when we all need cheers, Lynn
Dr. Lee Riley and his wife, Dr. Eva Raphael were authors of a very thought-provoking op. ed perspective that recently appeared in the NY Times about slums, asking: A Billion People Live in Slums. Can They Survive the Virus? Arlene B.
Hi there, I am a musician in Berkeley and due to the quarantine, I have been practicing my music at home.
There are several seniors citizens in my building and I now play in the lobby, they open their doors and enjoy some music. We have all gotten to know each other. This is the blessing.
Thank you,
Jonathan S.
Arlene B.
What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now,
on trying to make the world
different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those
to whom you commit your life.
Center down.
And when your body has become still,
reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives
are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has come clear.)
Do not reach out your hands.
Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils
of compassion that move, invisibly,
where we cannot touch.
Promise this world your love--
for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,
so long as we all shall live.
--Lynn Ungar 3/11/20

Araceli K.
Sharing with HSC members, the small treasures of my garden, now coming alive and bursting forth to offer joy and hope.
Barbara R.

Arlene B.

Linda G.
Andrew W.

Looking at cleaner water, a very blue sky and hearing the sounds of nature brings me much calm and pleasure but also much pause.
I hope that this difficult teaches us a lasting lesson.
We should love mother earth, contribute where we can to keep our town and earth beautiful.
Life is precious, nature brings me joy.
Let's all pitch in to show it respect.
Thank you for sharing my thoughts.
Florence S.
Sharon M.


Jeffrey K
Hello everyone... Music is a great way to lift the spirits and connect with your neighbors, at a distance, of course! Here is a photo (and video) of us leading the Sing along Wednesdays at noon in our neighborhood, part of the
Berkeley Music Circus.. Links to each week's songs:
Here is the program. Click on any title to see the words are online:
Wednesday, April 8 "All Together Now"
Wednesday, April 15 "Lean on Me"
Wednesday, April 23 "Three Little Birds"
Wednesday, April 29 "Celebration"
Paul & Mari
Turn On Your Rods and Cones
Turn on your rods and cones
See life as it really is
Color rules the world
Diversity opens eyes
Turn on your rods and cones
Narrow fields of vision
Closes doors to splendor
White not the only to admire
Worlds of delight before you
So many hues on earth
Open your eyes to color
beauty and life awaits
_by Mona Reeva
One way to hone in on drawing skills with a pencil and sketch pad.. there are beautiful images of birds free online to use as models and certainly easier than trying to capture them in nature... Keep Creative juices going! Mari L

Please submit your contribution: manager@hillsideclub.org
Email text, photos, any format is fine.