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January 2018

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

January 1918

War Relief: Mrs. Eakle, president of the War Service Committee made the following report of the work of the committee up to January 1st, 1918: garments made for Red Cross 35, knit 59, donated to Aid to France League 900, sent to Belgians 217, received from girls of Corning High School and shipped to France 183, total 1394 garments. Comfort bags 98, value approximately $120. Weight of above, boxed: 1470 lbs.

Board meeting: The following motions were made and passed:

  • That the War Services Committee purchase a table for the making of surgical dressings

  • That the Red Cross may have the use of the hall at any time at series rates

  • That the building committee be authorized to apply all or any part of the funds accumulated from the dances to the War Services Section.

  • That the Club shall donate use of the Clubhouse for a party for men in service.

January 1943

Fireside Meeting: You will remember last spring a short talk on the removal of the Japanese from this area to relocation centers. This activity had just started. Since then ten relocation centers scattered from the west coast to Arkansas have been constructed and equipped and 110,000 Japanese moved to those centers. Dr. Philip Webster, who gave the previous talk, has been with the War Relocation Authority, which has the responsibility for taking care of the Japanese evacuees since a few days after the creation of this agency last March. He will tell of many problems met and overcome. There are still many complex and difficult questions to be settled in regard to the economic, social, political, as well as physical problems which have arisen. You will have all of these questions answered and many more, for you will be permitted to ask questions at the conclusion of the talk. Only one request is made: that no publicity whatever be given this announcement or the meeting.

January 1968

Fireside Meeting: The story of the Redwoods will be presented by color sound film from “Save the Redwoods League.” A vital part of the crisis is the current debate over the new Redwood Park. This presentation will help us to understand the situation. [The Save the Redwoods League was created in 1918 in response to the widespread logging of old-growth redwoods in northern California. Redwood National Park was created in 1968, by which time 90% of the original old-growth trees had been logged.]

January 1993

Fireside Meeting: Our January speaker will be Jo Ann McGowan, Executive Director of the Oakland-based Heart-to-Heart International Children’s Alliance. This is a medical interchange program in which a team of American heart specialists trains their Russian counterparts in medical procedures and in use of donated medical equipment. In addition, they perform surgery on afflicted children, and institute local programs to raise the level of neonatal and postnatal care. Ms. McGowan has a long history of involvement in US-Soviet exchanges. Prior to her role in establishing Heart-to-Heart, she was involved in cultural exchanges in the areas of film, theater, art, and social issues. For her humanitarian efforts, she was awarded numerous civic awards both here and abroad. [Jo Ann McGowan (1939-1996) was instrumental in establishing the first center in the Caucasus region where children could go for life-saving heart surgeries. The Jo Ann Medical Center in Tbilisi, Georgia bears her name in honor of her many contributions and continues saving lives today. Since opening its doors in 1996, the center has performed more than 2,000 pediatric cardiac surgeries.]

Afternoon of Art: We are fortunate to have Dr. Frank Norick to guide us through the labyrinth surrounding the subject of “The Fine Art of Deception.” As Principal Museum Anthropologist for the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Dr. Norick has organized the current exhibit at the Museum entitled “Too Good To Be True.” This program will present a thought-provoking exposure to the value of so-called “fakes.”

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