May 2019
The History Corner
by David Mostardi, Club Historian
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago
May 1919
War Service Section: Mrs. Mathis rendered quite a comprehensive report on the work done in the War Service Section by the committees on Red Cross work and on relief in France and Belgium, which was supplemented later by Mrs. Bradley in the Surgical Dressings Section. It was moved and seconded that a letter of thanks be written to the cleaners and expressmen in Berkeley for their courtesy and kindness in connection with the above War Service work. Also, a note of thanks was extended to the ladies of the Club who so faithfully carried on the work of relief of various kinds during the past year.
Social Meeting: The evening’s entertainment began with music by the orchestra of the Francis Willard School, and the children acquitted themselves very creditably indeed. The speaker for the evening was Mr. H. B. Wilson, Superi9ntendent of Schools in Berkeley and one of our Club members. Mr. Wilson explained to us his reasons for believing in a rich and varied curriculum, citing many pertinent examples of the evolution of childish ambitions.
May 1944
Work Day: “Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, as off to work we go,” for it’s labor day once again—the day when all good Hillsiders (and aren’t we all that!) don their most fashionable work clothes, divest themselves of ties and other appurtenances, roll up their sleeves, and pitch in to clean up the multifarious chores than have been accumulating during the past year. There will be activities to give an outlet for all of our talents. Among the chores are carpentry, painting, gardening, interior decorating, renovating, and eating (this is not a part of interior decorating).
May 1969
Theatre Party: The Dramatics Activities Section is planning a Theatre Party for May 23rd at the Festival Theatre in San Anselmo. “I Wish I Were a Trumpet,” a new musical by Elizabeth Berryhill and Mark Bucci, will be presented. A chartered bus will leave the Hillside Club at 6pm and return after the show.
Spring Tour: To Redding, Shasta Dam, Weaverville, the Chinese Joss House, and the Historical Museum at Old Shasta. Leave the Hillside Club at 9am Saturday by Greyhound air-conditioned bus.
May 1994
President’s Message: This will be our final Bulletin for the 1993-94 Club year, which has been another very successful year with respect to programs and activities, as well as finances. Our building fund will show a substantial increase for the year. I want to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to all Committee and Section Chairs, as well as the individual committee members for the many jobs so well done. However, there seems to be one area that becomes more difficult each year, and that is to maintain and increase our membership. We must find some new and innovative ways to accomplish that end. [Editor: the May 1994 bulletin is also the last printed bulletin in the Club’s archive, a 79-year run that began in March 1915 and includes almost every month in between. As far as I’m aware, there were no bulletins for several years until the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s.]